Invencibles: La Familia más Fuerte de Chile
Invencibles: Chile´s Fittest Family
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Mira el video de la familia Prieto
Watch the Prieto family Video
Episodios en YouTube - YouTube episodes
(Click on the Episode name to watch and fast forward to the time when the Prieto family are racing)
So close to being eliminated! Lots of mistakes, Claudio sprains his knee again and is out of the competition for good. We suffer from nerves in the elimination race but learn a lot from it for the following episodes.
Find us at 24.40, 1:19.28 and 1:33.45
We have Pablo replacing Claudio and the new team gels well to win both races. Watch the most exciting elimination race (not with us) at 1:25.55.
Find us at 26.25 and 1:04.34
A nautical theme from the port of Valparaiso. Francisco has a bad day on the kayak and we don't finish the first race. We then smash the second challenge.
Find us at 42.25 and 1:22.58
Competing at the TV studio in a speed and strength test, we end up in the top half and so don't need to compete again.
Find us at 2.28
We win the medal for the strongest family of the week.
Find us at 1:51, 27:24 and the medal ceremony at 49:29.
We compete as a 3 and by staying calm, win both races. We are the only team with ANY women in in the winners race!
Find us at 15.04 and 1:17.15
Competing in Chilevision's concrete jungle. We lose on the tyre carrying race but do well on the agility one.
Find us at 1:00:08 and 1:30.16
The "Repechaje" where the 7 familes who have already been eliminated return to compete against each other and 4 of them return to the competition. We only compete once.
Find us at 42.16
We make it into the 3 best times and compete in a nail-biting final with the Zirpel and Curroto families.
Find us at 2.20 (getting coach Krespita back), 41.08 and 1:14.20.
Eliminated in the concrete jungle.
Find us at 1:24, 30:50 and the medal ceremony at 50:48.
Invencibles en Chilevision
Más información y videos cortos en en el sitio web de Chilevision
For those living in South America, watch short videos on the Chilevision website
Nuestro coach fue Krespita Rodríguez, dos veces campiona del mundo en boxeo. Ver video sobre Krespita aquí.
Our coach was Carolina Krespita Rodríguez, a double world champion boxer. Take a look at our coach in this video
Meet the other families here