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Environmental Research and academic work

I have a PhD in Atmospheric chemistry and have worked in various environental areas over the years. I now work at the Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) and the Center for Climate and Resilience Research, (CR)2. Until 2018 I worked for the UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) .

You can see all my publications HERE.

A select few "best of" publications can be downloaded from the relevant topics below with their dedicated web pages

This is my ORCHID publication ID and this is my google scholar profile.

Small sensors for air quality

Low cost sensors, smart technology and networks of sensors can be used for citizen science or innovative geospatial analysis of a city's air pollution

FIELD work

Photos and information about field work and science expeditions I have worked on


Quantification and assessment of ozone and other trace gas trends on a global scale

ATmospHeric dispersion modelling

The Met Office's NAME model can assess the transport of air masses and how this affects the composition of the atmosphere


Assessing the impacts local human activities have on Antarctica 

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