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Media projects about air quality and public communication





















Other articles in the press


Sacrifice zones: I helped to interpret some data from air pollution measurements at a "zona de sacrificio", a coastal industrial zone, that sexperiences serious pollution episodes in 2018. A 5 meses de intoxicaciones en Quintero, no hay datos oficiales sobre gases contaminantes


Threat of glaciers to air pollution: Read about the Los Bronces mine near Santiago and the massive tunnel that is 2 km from the La Paloma glacier. I talk about the effect of air pollution from the mine on the glacier by DeSMOG versión en español


Student field workAprendizaje en la montaña con estudiantes de UDD por Milagro Pereyra Iraola (Njambre)


Science outreach with small sensors in the public zone of the Climate change conference in Madrid in December 2019: Estuvimos en la COP25


Citizen science air quality measurements in Coyhaique, Patagonia in May and July 2019: watch my interview here and see what CIEP is doing in 2021, including installing our Particulate Matter sensors.









January 2022

We ((CR)2 and UDD) went on field work near an industrial zone on the coast in central Chile (working with the Municipality of Quintero): Investigadores de la Dirección de Innovación de Ingeniería de la UDD realizan mediciones de contaminación en zona costera de Chile.

Here we talk about some measurements we carried out with the new instruments from our FONDEQUIP Mayor (Envirohealth Data Observatory).  See the short youtube video in the article.                    


I did an interview for El Mostrador, talking about how I became a scientist.


January 2023

A large group joined up with the Municipality of Calama to measure Particulate matter and dust in the city that is so close to mining areas and we will help the municipality with their measurements. Our first study on the metals in the dust in the local villages was published and more is due to be published.


We also carried out field work in san Antonio where the Maipo river arrives at the sea


In July 2023 we carried out field work to measure exposure to Particulate Matter in Coyhaique, Patagonia         


End 2019

I organised a workshop for teachers about using small sensors for practical classes about cimate change. This was with the Santiago PARExplora RM Sur Poniente regionally-funded Chilean Resarch council´s outreach team. The girl´s school advanced well with constructed the Arduino-based sensors and planning environmental research projects. Due to unrest in Chile in 2019 and the 2020 Pandemic it was cut short but we are very keen to see it taken up in other schools. I presented the project at the COP25 in Madrid.


July 2019

In May and July 2019 we carried out measurements in the small town of Coyhaique in Chilean Patagonia using small hand-held air quality sensors that measure Particulate Matter (PM2.5). The project was taken up enthusiastically by the community and thanks to our local partners, CIEP and we hope to have the paper written up in various papers in 2021. We currently have several small (but permanent) sensors in Coyhaique, as a network of indoor and outdoor monitors. See this article in the Guardian about how the wood burning habits in this small isolated town has made this place one of the worst polluted locations in South America.


























































February 2017

NCAS ran a public outreach project in 2017 called the Air we Share, running Air quality road shows in 3 Yorkshire cities. BBC Inside out North East made a short video you can see the video on the right.

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January 2013

BBC Inside Out East Midlands investigates the NO2 levels in Leicester, focussing on levels at rush hour periods at a school that is behind the train station: Watch 2 minute video here

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